Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hayworth Flooding

Our usual weekend routine consists of getting up early, getting coffee, and getting the dogs out of the house for some exercise. One of our doggy walking hot spots is Hayworth Park, a fairly large area with playgrounds, camping, and walking paths snugged right up to the Missouri River. When we visited the park last weekend, we were surprised to see the river had swollen up over the banks and drowned out the walking path in several areas. We visited again this weekend to check on the current conditions of the park and this is what we found:

This is actually outside of Hayworth park, right next to the ball fields.

And here is the current state of the park itself.

Hard to believe that just a few days earlier the dogs were watering trees on the far side of this photo. =)

The edge of the flooding. If you look closely you can see the top of a completely submerged picnic table.

We thought we'd leave off with a peek at our current home project. Now that Neva is 7 months old and starting to get into the swing of things, we're ready to get back to work. We have an unfinished nook in the basement that we have finally decided to turn into a play area. We just have a couple of shots for the BEFORE comparison.

AFTER shots soon to come....